Thursday, June 4, 2009

What is Legal custody?

Legal custody is when both parents share in all decision making for the child/ren. Both parents have a say-so as to the following:
-enrollment/dis enrollment private/public school and/or daycare
-participation in religious activities
-beginning/ending psychiatric, psychological, or other mental health counseling or therapy
-selection of a doctor, dentist or other health professional (except in emergency situations)
-participation in extracurricular activities
-out-of-state or out-of-country travel

Each parent must have access to the child/rens school, medical, and dental records and the right to consult with professionals who are providing service to the child/ren.

Each parent will be designated as a person the child/ren's school will contact in the event of an emergency.

Neither parent will change the last name of the child/ren or have a different name used on the child/ren's school,medical or other records without the written consent of the other parent.

For more information about all of your custody issues please visit my Family Law Website


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